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How To Get The Most Value From Your Mediation

28th September 2022

You have separated and are ready to sort out the future arrangements for your Children.

You have decided that going to a Family Dispute Resolution Conference (‘Mediation’) with your former partner is the best way forward for you. Are you feeling nervous about the process? Are you uncertain as to what you should do before your Mediation day? Being prepared will ensure that you can attend with confidence.

If you do not prepare, you risk not asking questions that matter to you. Typically, client’s who are unprepared go off track, waste time, extend the Mediation and as a result, incur higher costs.

Our role is to properly prepare you for Mediation.

In conjunction with an experienced Mediator, we have prepared a list of Mediation questions which you should consider. 

  1.  What do you feel is important in your Children’s lives and needs to be taken into account when making arrangements for your Children? What are their current extracurricular activities? Do they regularly spend time with other family members? Is there any health concerns for the Children?
  2.  What do you feel is important when developing the Agreement? How will each of you be involved with your Children’s schooling? How will you discuss making decisions about your Children’s health?
  3.  What are your personal values in relation to the parenting of your Children? Do you want your children to receive the best possible education? Is it important to you that the Children have a healthy lifestyle?
  4.  Without pointing the finger, details of any barriers you foresee in co-parenting? Have you had trouble communicating with your ex in the past? Do you have different parenting styles?
  5.  What are your long-term goals or aspirations relating to your children’s well-being and happiness?

It is vital that you invest the time to work through these questions prior to the Mediation day. We will help guide you through these questions. Considering these questions for the first time on the day, in front of your ex, lawyers and the Mediator may overwhelm you. In these situations, you are more likely to simply agree to limit or stop the conflict, rather than considering what best suits you and your children. Later you will regret the decisions made in haste on the day.

When clients are prepared for their Mediation, they are more open to exploring options and more likely to reach the best outcome for their children.

Mediation is always our preferred process (rather than going to Court). It is important that you work with a law firm that values the Mediation process. wilson/ryan/grose Lawyers have a strong history of assisting clients in their preparation for and appearing on behalf of clients at Mediations to resolve their parenting matters. Contact us to book a time to prepare for your upcoming Mediation today!

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